Conference FAQs

FAQs - Historic Tax Credit Conference

Is CPE available for this conference? How do I get CPE?

Novogradac & Company LLP is registered with the National Association of State Boards ofAccountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE sponsors. If you would like to earn CPE credit please check in at the registration desk for the appropriate forms.

Is CLE available for this conference?

We are not pre-approved for Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits for all states and do not complete applications for CLE. Novogradac & Company LLP can provide materials you may need for the application process, please contact the events line at 415.356.7970 for any questions or to request materials after the event.

Will you print an updated attendee list?

We update the attendee list throughout the conference. There is also a printed list in the back of the printed delegate information booklet.

Where can I view speaker materials?

Our speakers materials will be posted here.
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